Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Floating Ferry Heads by Dolly Salazar

One of the things that I enjoy about doing this blog is the explanations that photographers send along when they submit their photographs. I really love what Dolly Salazar had to say about her mystery submission: "The mystery is us. Me, stopping to snap this blurry portrait of two strangers on my way to finding a seat. Them, turning and nodding briefly at me before returning to their newspapers, no more conscious of the features of my face than I am of theirs. For that moment, we are acquainted, and from that moment on, we never will be again. Should I have cared who they were? Is this different than lost friendships? Does it matter how long the relationship, if the break is permanent anyway?"

Floating Ferry Heads (c) 2008 by Dolly Salazar

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Dolly great photograph and wonderful story!