Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"Old" submissions
by Kymberli Colbourne

Everything Old is New Again (c) Kymberli Colbourne

I just received a couple of new "old" submissions (yes, I am trying to confuse everyone!) from Kymberli Colbourne. I see I have several friends who are real world travellers! "This photo was taken in rural China in 2002" Kymberli explained. "While traveling in China, I was constantly struck by the contrast between old and new. A farmer tending his fields on the steep walls of the Yangtze River with the help of his trusty donkey — next to a cell phone tower. Here, the contrast of the new coffins – crafted by hand as they have been for centuries - being prepared for the oldest of ceremonies."

As for the second photograph, which Kymberli has titled A Mark for the Ages, she says "In the late 1800’s, expeditions of geology students from OU would hike out to explore the Oregon Cave. In a move which we now consider an environmentally bad choice, they ‘left their mark’ as a memento - signing their names on an interior wall of the cave. Like modern petro glyphs, covered by seeping minerals over the years - their signatures are forever entombed."

A Mark for the Ages
(c) Kymberli Colbourne

(click on the photo to enlarge it)

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